Languages Spoken:
Marathi and English
Best Time To Visit:
October To February
Long Distance Code:
Famous for one of Shaktipeeth temples.
Kolhapur is 395 km South of Mumbai and 240 km from Pune. It is well connected by air, rail and road. It is the southernmost district of Maharashtra. This ancient city is situated on the banks of river Panchganga; i.e. five Rivers Krishna, Ganiki, Shiva, Mayuri and Warna. This city is surrounded from all directions by rivers, to the east to the west the south Veda and Yaksha and to the north Krishna and. Kolhapur is also known as "The Varanasi Of The South". It was the capital of the former Princely State - the Kolhapur branch of the 'Chhatrapatis'
Kolhapur is the seat of Goddess Mahalakshmi and is one of the Shaktipeeth mentioned in Indian mythology. Its antiquity is revealed by the Brahmapuri knoll overlooking the Panchganga River and by the ancient artifacts and Roman coins discovered there. It was an early center of Buddhism. Kolhapur was ruled by Silaharas, Yadavas, Rashtrakutas and Chalukyas in the Medieval times. The history of Kolhapur can be roughly divided into three periods: Hindu period upto 1300 AD, Muslim period from 1300 AD to 1700 AD and Maratha period from 1700 AD onwards and later became the seat of the British residency for the Deccan States. The city is believed to have flourished in art and trade during the regime of Satwahan dynasty.
Archaeological excavations revealed the ruins of a prosperous ancient township and bringing into light the advanced Trade relations of this town with the European and Roman countries.
It was the princely state of Kolhapur ruled by the heirs of Shivaji and finally merged in the Indian nation after its independence. The growth of Kolhapur in modern times is fascinating. And the whole credit goes to Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, the architect and founder of modern Kolhapur. Today it is abundant in natural resources- water, soil, natural vegetation, animal wealth and minerals. Kolhapur is famous for its Kolhapuri Chappals and a type of necklace called Kolhapuri Saaz.