Ashokan Rock edicts are situated at Lat. 210 31 N; Long 700 28 E. The Rock edicts of Emperor Ashokan were engraved on a granite boulder on the slope of Girinagara or Urjayata Hill. On the eastern face of it was engraved 14 Rock edicts by Ashoka and later epigraphs of Mahakshatrapa Rudradaman I and Skandagupta were also recorded on it, the Rock edict was first reported by James Todd in 1822. The other two epigraphs have a common purpose, which was recording the history of the breaking of dams of Sudarshan Lake occurring because of the turbulent storm waters of river Suvarna Sikta and Palasini rushing down the hill slopes. These edicts which are in Brahmi script provide history of this lake and breach of it followed by repairs, down from Mauryan to Gupta period.